In sexual yoga, consciousness must be understood as two concepts simultaneously.

This is because sexual yoga is operating on two “planes” of existence at the same time: the plane of duality AND the “plane” of nonduality.
From the perspective of nonduality, there is only One—the All, the Absolute, the Self, Consciousness, or as is commonly taught in sexual yoga traditions, "Conscious Light." It is here that we learn there is no difference between Consciousness and Light—they are One. They never were, never are, and never will be separate.
From this perspective, there is no duality—no masculine, no feminine, no polarity, no “me,” no “you,” no “I,” no subject, no object, no sense of relationship whatsoever. Nothing needs to happen for this to be the case; it is always already the case. The primary point of all true non-dual traditions is to realize That.
However, in sexual yoga, we include the plane of duality as well—the plane of pleasure, desire, and sexual polarity.
From the perspective of duality, consciousness refers to something that is dual in nature, rather than nondual. Suggesting that consciousness can exist in one place and not in another. Like in the mind of a human, but not in the mind of a fish.
This is where the more conventionally accepted definitions of consciousness come into play:
the capacity for conscious thought;
the state of being aware of awareness;
the epiphenomenon of self-awareness and the capacity for inquiry into life’s great mysteries.
What ultimately separates mankind from nature?
Consciousness—the ability to ask the question, “why?”
Without consciousness, there would be no ability to “pop out” of the moment and observe self and world with relative objectivity.
It is this phenomenon that creates the sense of there being an “I” (an unchanging self) and a “me” (the ever-changing body-mind). This “I” is said to be the root of all human suffering, and the origin of all ominous feelings of separateness.
Where many non-dual traditions see this dual dynamic as a problem (an illusory one at that), sexual yoga sees it as an opportunity to make art.
In sexual yoga, one partner (Alpha) relinquishes all identification with light so they can become the embodiment of pure consciousness for the sake their lover; while their lover (Omega) relinquishes all identification with consciousness to become the embodiment of pure light for the sake of their lover.
The embodiment of consciousness creates purposefulness in every thought and action. The structure of intentionality begins to shape the human form. As a result, this person (man or woman) becomes a “highly effective” human being. When practiced earnestly, the body’s final presentation is one of trustworthiness.
The embodiment of light is Alpha’s polar opposite—Omega. Where purposefulness occupies Alpha’s entire form, the supreme bliss of spontaneous purposelessness saturates every cell of Omega. Rather than transcending the moment as consciousness, Omega immerses deeply into the moment—into sensation—basking in the profound decadence of mindlessness, riding the ecstatic waves of nature’s pulse, and as a result, radiates brilliantly from surface to deep.
The greater the “difference” between lovers, the greater the “sexual charge.”
If Alpha transcends, Omega immerses. If Alpha is fire, Omega is water. If Alpha is attention, Omega is that which draws attention closer. In a rare moment of pristine sexual rapture, the differences between them dissolve and two bodies become One. Divine Union is realized.
This is the spiritual science of sexual polarity at its core.