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Author, Mentor

and Relationship Consultant

Private Mentorships for Men, Women and Couples, In-Person Intensives and Online Classes
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"I never knew sex could be spiritual, love could be endless, and passion could just keep growing. All that changed with this book." 

- Jeff Goins, best-selling author of Real Artists Don't Starve and The Art of Work


"Whether you're seeking to reignite the flames in your relationship or cultivate a spiritually evolving bond, this book will teach you how to become a firekeeper for a sacred and sexy connection." 

- Tracy Griffiths, Life Energy Institute


"Playing with Fire is an extraordinary book. I think I have read all the books on relationship healing and growth. I have never seen anything like this." 

- Beau Weaver, American voice actor

Calm Sea


Join authors and intimacy teachers, Justin Patrick Pierce and Londin Angel Winters, for a transformative weekend of intimate connection and spiritual growth.
Yoga of Intimacy is a high-end, private retreat for singles and couples, where men and women gather from around the world to explore the depths of intimacy, ecstasy, and sacred relating through safe, nonsexual partner practices.
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Justin Patrick Pierce and Londin Angel Winters are parents, business partners, and passionate lovers. They are known internationally for their transformative work in personal growth and sacred intimacy and are the co-authors of Playing With Fire: The Spiritual Path of Intimate Relationship and The Awakened Woman's Guide to Everlasting Love. Together they lead transformative high-end retreats including their signature training, Yoga of Intimacy


Justin and Londin have been studying and practicing sacred intimacy for more than a decade under the tutelage of world-renowned teachers. They educate men and women on spiritual and intimate development through a unique hands-on approach where practical tools are prioritized over theory. Students of Justin and Londin learn what it takes to bring tangible change into their daily lives and relationships. 


Students are inspired by seeing a real-life couple who live and breathe these principles through years of passionate practice. Working with them is a rare opportunity to learn from a couple who have mastered the complex dynamics of modern relationships, turned the result into something beautiful and harmonious, and are experts at helping others do the same.



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"I am beyond grateful that this exists in the world and I highly recommend this book to any woman who deeply desires love at her core but also knows she’s meant for something big in the world." 

- Jolie Dawn, best-selling author of Empowered, Sexy and Free


"Honest, heartfelt and passionate, this book will ignite and fulfill your desire for mind-blowing sexual intimacy and deeper everlasting love." 

- Kim Farrant, film director


"This book teaches you how step into your full radiance as a women, so that you can attract higher levels of love. It’s a must read for anyone who wants deep, passionate, long-lasting love." 

- Ellen Smoak, CEO of The Society of Women Entrepreneurs


"Our coaching with Justin and Londin was life changing. We've been working on masculine & feminine dynamics for a decade ourselves, yet being coached by Justin and Londin took our intimacy to a whole new depth and understanding."

Megan Lambert and James Mattingly


I have been a researcher and student of conscious sexuality since 1999. During the last 25 years, I’ve encountered over 100 different teachers and schools around how to improve one’s relationship to this powerful force inside of us. 


I can say, without hesitation, that the technology of Yoga of Intimacy is the BEST I’ve encountered in my career including the school that I co-created. Yes, the best.


The concept of ALPHA/OMEGA answers so many questions about the antiquated concepts of masculine/feminine pioneered by masters like David Deida, Robert Bly, Victor Baranco and others. It enables our complex humanity to bypass our gender and create a pathway for better relations between two people who want to love all of each other. Their practices, well described in their book, Playing with Fire, have created an enjoyable and challenging practice for my beloved and myself. We use the “I SEE/I FEEL” when we hit a bump in our relating. We use “I WANT” to uncover what lies beneath the surface.


Most of all, Londin and Justin are two powerful teachers who practice generosity, humor, and care for their students. In our three month 2x2 cycle, they went beyond my expectations in terms of service. And, most importantly, I believe in their deep INTEGRITY when it comes to what they teach and believe.


I’ve referred many to the Yoga of Intimacy and will continue to do so.

- Robert Kandell, entrepreneur, philanthropist, best-selling author


Book a 30-minute exploration call with Justin to discover if this path is right for you.

Behind the Yoga of Intimacy

An Ivan Polic Inner-view on the Yoga of Intimacy

with Londin Angel Winters and Justin Patrick Pierce

It is a rare experience to sit in front of a camera and feel as if your soul is being captured on film. Words cannot express the gratitude we have for the incredibly talented Ivan Polic and Mariana Polic. Thank you for your presence, commitment and support of our work.


SAND Magazine Interview with Justin Patrick Pierce


A teacher of intimacy, an author, and a leader of workshops for men, women, and couples, Justin Patrick Pierce helps us to shift the way we show up. But not just how we show up in relationships; how we show up in the world. How comfortable we are with intimacy shows itself in the ways we accept feedback at work, how we listen when a friend needs our advice, whether we pursue our dream job. Are we living our full potential? Are we showing up to every moment open, flexible, willing to get in flow with the current of life? In the first of many conversations to come, Pierce talks with us about masculinity and how connecting with it ultimately connects a man to his purpose and potential.

What ultimately led to your desire to teach a “new kind of masculinity”?


Masculinity isn’t new. And it isn’t old. If it’s understood, it’s timeless.


I never had a desire to teach masculinity. Over the years, I’ve found most of the men claiming to teach masculinity to be no different than any average man. They still struggle with women, relationships, sex, food, substances, money, and their life’s purpose all the same.


“Masculinity” is a controversial subject to teach. And with good reason. Who’s to say what’s “masculine” and what’s not? Who is the leading authority on the topic? Is it the U.S. military? A therapist with a concentration in gender studies? A chronically single “relationship expert”? A spiritual guru sourcing wisdom from thousand-year-old texts? Who is the authority on what “masculinity” means in our modern Western world?


Continue reading full interview…


The missing link in getting what you want sexually.

The Law of Sexual Attraction

Increase your sexual vitality and prolong lovemaking.

How to transform anger and resentment into intimate attraction.

How should I handle my sexual urges when my partner does not want to have sex?

Is it OK for a man to be in his feminine?

Should I settle down or keep dating?

What is the impact of asking my partner to control her emotions?

The masculine role in relationship may surprise you.


The Spiritual Path of Intimate Relationship

The spiritual path of intimate relationship, as explored in Playing With Fire, is about transforming romantic connection into a journey of personal and shared awakening. It’s a path where intimacy becomes a mirror, reflecting both the beauty and the struggles within each partner. Through this dynamic, each person is invited to confront their own patterns, wounds, and desires in the pursuit of a deeper, more authentic love.

At its core, this path emphasizes practices that awaken sensitivity, presence, and devotion, turning everyday interactions into opportunities for growth. Rather than treating love as a fleeting feeling or mere obligation, this approach treats it as a living, evolving practice that requires awareness, vulnerability, and courage. By embracing the challenges and ecstasies of partnership, couples can experience intimacy not just as pleasure, but as a powerful means of spiritual transformation—an alchemical process where the desire for connection fuels both individual and collective growth.

Reality Riffing with Guru Jagat, Londin Winters & Justin Pierce

It was both an honor and a pleasure to be sharing the stage again with our friend and Kundalini phenom, Guru Jagat, for her Immense Grace: Love, Sex & Relationships Immersion in LA.

If you want to experience more joy, love and chemistry in your relationship, this is the episode for you. In Londin Angel Winters & Justin Patrick Pierce’s new book, The Awakened Woman’s Guide to Everlasting Love, they offer a roadmap for sustaining long-term passion and deepening in authentic connection. In this interview, you’ll learn the art & science of polarity — so you can attract the right partner and create the relationship of your dreams.

Gradient Ocean

Yoga of Intimacy, Coed Weekend Intensives


Yoga of Intimacy is a high-end, private retreat for singles and couples, where 10 men and 10 women gather from around the world to explore the depths of intimacy, ecstasy, and sacred relating through safe, nonsexual partner practices.


If you are already in a relationship, come deepen your intimate connection, bring attraction back into the relationship, and grow spiritually alongside your partner. If you are single, this workshop teaches you how to attract the right partner for you and break free from what’s been holding you back from having the love you want. 

3-Month Mentorship Programs


Justin’s private Mentorship Program is for individuals or couples who want expert guidance down their path of discovering sacred intimacy. This is the best opportunity to work closely with Justin and get direct support in the areas of your life where you need it most.

Mentorships start with weekly 1-hour sessions available by phone, video conference or in-person. Clients can add on to their mentorship with additional sessions and have the option for private 3-hour couples’ intensives. Book a 30-minute exploration call with Justin to find out if this path is right for you.

“Our spiritual maturity is measured by our ability to be loving in the darkest of moments and bring love to the darkest of places.”

Justin Patrick Pierce


John Wineland

“Justin is a rare breed of a teacher and practitioner in that he is both incredibly talented, but also precise and clear in his ability to communicate a myriad complex concepts.


He is a man dedicated to mastery and it shows in every undertaking, whether it be physical training, the yogic arts, energetic agility or leading men and women in intimacy. I am proud to learn from Justin and will continue to call him a friend, colleague and teacher as long as he will let me. If you have an opportunity to learn from this unique man, jump on it. It will alter the direction of your life.


Bella L.

“I am honored to have been working with this amazing man who has truly transformed my life in ways I could only have dared imagine. There is so much I could share, but in actuality the more significant thing is how I feel. My journey with Justin has been and continues to be profound. If you truly desire deeper intimacy and relationship skills you need go no further. Justin has impeccable wisdom, a deep compassionate heart, patience, and he is able to not only create but hold a safe container from which to explore and deepen. His boundaries are flawless and his pristine consciousness an incomparable gift. This continues to be the most amazing, healing journey, one I have longed and searched for all my life.


Allison Harris

“Justin’s presence speaks volumes in terms of feeling safe, met, seen, held, protected, respected, honored, listened to, cared for, and uplifted. He has the strongest, most gentle approach in handling the dynamics of the feminine flow. He knows himself well, very well, and as a result he knows how to work through the difficult experiences involved with healing the deepest of wounds, for both the masculine and feminine equally. He maintains a beautiful balance of ‘allowing the unfolding’ to take place, and trusting the outcome, however that may present itself. He has taught me that I can be ‘fully me’ in the presence of a man without performing. The Dance of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine has taken the stage, and Justin Patrick Pierce is a Master Choreographer—one who has my complete trust.


Josh S.

“After getting exposed to his work, my wife and I were hooked on the teachings. It had a profound effect on me as a man, husband, father and business owner. Powerful enough for me to ask Justin to create a custom workshop to teach my sales people the same masculine presence he teaches men in relationship workshops. The class delivered on everything as promised, at a level that amazed all of us. Every one of us played full out, and every one of us was deeply impacted. These men now understand and embody the correct posture, stillness of mind and full presence I was hoping for.


William Setchko

“There are few teachers nowadays that have seriously put their time in to master their craft into a powerhouse of value. Justin is one of those people. He combines his skill of the esoteric arts and functional science to illuminate your biggest closures, kinks, and where you just feel plain stuck. He then gives you practical tools specifically tailored to your goals. He is part shaman, part scientist, and part coach. If you are serious about looking at the parts of your life that are the scariest in a container that is impeccable, this is your man.


Leslie A.

“There are times in life when we have gone as far as we can go on our own and we need support to actualize the next vision we have for our lives. I found Justin at one of these times. Justin is a bold leader, and someone I look to for direction and support in my evolution. His guidance has felt like having someone who has already traveled the path, shine a flashlight for me to see what’s just ahead where I am now exploring. I am especially appreciative for the safe and strong container that is created in his presence. I have no doubt that each time, I will be met with deep listening, genuine compassion for my confusions, and very clear, insightful reflection and suggestions. This is the kind of work one does when really big changes are desired in life, and Justin is the kind of person one finds support from on such a transformative journey!


Dr. David Bach

“The work that I’ve done with Justin has transformed and improved me beyond recognition.


Stephanie C.

“Justin supports me with the perfect balance of freedom and guidance. His uncanny ability to determine which serves me most in the moment is a rare and treasured gift. And as a woman intent on creating her king, his wisdom is priceless.


Dennis D.

“My experience with Justin has been absolutely life changing. Not only have I seen tremendous improvement in strength and appearance, but I also feel more grounded and connected to my higher self and my higher purpose.


Christopher Sunyata

“Justin teaches from his personal depth, which enables him to see into a person with uncanny precision. He provides clear, concise direction on how to embody the changes you desire in your body, mind and relationships. The transformation in my body from working with him, even after a few months, was astonishing. Justin is incredibly effective at what he does, and he works real magic with his clients. As I have continued to work with him over the years, I have found myself in awe and gratitude for having the opportunity to benefit from his expertise in fitness, intimacy, and energetic arts.


Steve S.

“Working with Justin quite literally changed my life. In working through specific exercises in purpose, intimacy, and fitness, I saw radical changes in how I view my existence on this planet. He helped me clarify on a much deeper level what my purpose actually is (something that I previously thought I had figured out). Once I added clarity to my purpose, I was given the tools necessary to align my goals, actions, and practices with that purpose. Working with Justin has been one of the most profound experiences of my life.


Jason F. Smith

“As I have sought to deepen my understanding of the world and myself: bodily, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually… Justin continually, quietly, and without fanfare, points me to the key that unlocks the next level of my growth. Always oriented toward serving the world by opening hearts and taking people deeper, he gifts me with little offerings and occasionally with a gentle shove. If you are willing, and make your intent clear, Justin will guide you to heretofore unknown horizons. It takes faith; it takes risk; but if you want it… he lays out a breadcrumb trail of keys that unlock all the gates of your reality.


Book a 30-minute exploration call with Justin to discover if this path is right for you.

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